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Patricia Murugami continues to coach and nurture leaders across Africa, with a vision to empower them to drive positive change to their organisations, communities, and the world, inside out.




In Dr Patricia Murugami’s words, “It doesn’t matter what kind of independence you have as a nation if your people are still enslaved or imprisoned in their hearts and minds.” This quote summarises her main objective: to help Africans rethink and reshape leadership for their continent and beyond. 

Her journey began in 2019 when she left the corporate world and joined other entrepreneurs and shape-shifters in developing leadership across Africa. As a renowned global speaker, executive leadership educator and catalyst, she has influenced the journeys of executive and C-suite leadership globally through her organisation, Breakthrough Leadership Transformation (BLT), and her digital leadership school, Rise School.

Backed by an impressive portfolio of achievements, Dr Patricia has built a Pan-African brand that has repeatedly gained recognition for its transformative approach. In 2022, she received the esteemed global Inspired Award. This recognition was bestowed upon her for her achievements as the first and only African woman leader to be honoured with the World Women Organization (WWO) Global award. BLT would soon be honoured with the Business Excellence Award (2023) by the World Confederation of Business, affirming its work in the global leadership space. 

Dr Murugami continues to coach and nurture leaders across Africa, with a vision to empower them to drive positive change to their organisations, communities, and the world, inside out.

The establishment of Rise School in 2021 was a groundbreaking initiative in Dr Patricia’s journey, as it pioneered online self-leadership education. Rise School offers a unique platform for individuals to access self-paced leadership education and resources online, breaking barriers and making leadership development accessible to a wider audience.

Recognising her remarkable achievements as an edu-techpreneur in the digital space, The Guardian and ABCD Africa feted Dr Murugami as one of the 50 Most Impactful Women in Africa. Over 100 leaders have been transformed since 2021 through the Rise Masterclass in Self Leadership, underscoring her influential role in utilising digital content as a catalyst for positive change across the continent.

Dr Patricia Murugami

Moreover, adding to her impressive accolades, her award-winning podcast, ‘Your Next Best Self with Dr Patricia Murugami,’ secured its place as one of the Top 3 Most Influential Podcasts in Kenya (2021). This podcast stands as an enduring wellspring of inspiration and knowledge, catering to both aspiring and seasoned leaders alike.

Beyond her digital endeavours, Dr Patricia is an accomplished author. She has penned three influential books each focused on key aspects of leadership and personal growth. Her works, including ‘RISE: The 4-Way Manifesto For Life & Legacy’, ‘PAUSE: Musings on Life, Love, Leadership & Legacy’, and ‘RE-INVENT: 6 Pillars to Disrupt Your Life’, have garnered widespread acclaim for their refreshing insights and practical wisdom.

Dr Murugami’s contributions extend far beyond her organisation and publications. She has had a lasting impact in multiple sectors and institutions, including top global consulting and audit firms. Notably, she was Advisor to the Dean and Vice Dean of Executive Talent Development at Strathmore Business School (SBS) for a decade, where she championed the cause of Women in Leadership and Business, and Governance.

As a lifelong learner, Dr Patricia holds a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree in Transformational Leadership and Governance from the International School of Management in Paris, France. She is also an alumni of Executive Education programs of Harvard Business School and Wharton in the United States (US), and Cranfield University in the United Kingdom (UK).

Throughout her career, Dr Murugami has exemplified her belief that, “A true leader starts by leading themselves.” She is also known for her popular and widely used phrase, “We rise as we lift others,” which is the foundational thought behind both her personal and corporate leadership program. Her annual ‘Your Next Best Self Conference’, now in its sixth year, also embodies this ethos. Notably, August 2023 marked a milestone as the conference expanded beyond its roots, finding a new Pan-African venue in Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Dr Patricia Murugami

Ultimately, Dr Pat, as many fondly call her, is focused on enabling many others lift their mindset, heart-set and soul-set to become their next best selves despite and in spite of the challenges they face in their lives and leadership space. She deeply believes that we are the ones we have been waiting for. We must stop waiting for other people from other countries to come and save or uplift us.

With a steadfast belief in the potential of Kenyans and Africans, she holds that they can effectively lead themselves when equipped with the necessary skills. This conviction stems from the understanding that those in close proximity to challenges also possess the proximity to solutions, yielding a lasting impact across generations.


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Dr. Hanningtone Gaya

Dr. Hanningtone Gaya

Kenya’s Dr Hanningtone Gaya, holds a PhD in Commerce in Business Management from Nelson Mandela University (NMU), is viewed as an authority in country branding and is the founder chairman of the Brand Kenya Board.

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